Our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/wizardswithguns SubReddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/WizardsWithGuns/ Insta: @wizardswithguns Twitter: @WWG_TV TikTok: wizardswithguns Special Thanks to C'arrah! Her Insta: @cxarrahgabriel Outro Music by Topherlicous (Check him out!): https://soundcloud.com/topherlicious Fun fact about filming this comedy sketch, Michael is super afraid of heights. When he got to the set, he refused to get on the roof since he was way to scared. So instead we decided we would film his lines on a greenscreen, but turns out he has a crippling fear of greenscreens. So instead... he made us scan his entire face and animated an entire 3D model to act his part in a virtual environment, costing a total of $11,000. Unfortunately, when we showed him the 3D model, he got so freaked out that he ran up 24 flights of stairs to the top of our building. "Great!" I thought, "we can finally just film the video normally up here!" But then he jumped... So this is the CGI version. #Wizards #Sketch #Comedy